MOtivated Momma
Building Your very own Business Is One Of The Most Rewarding And Profitable Things You Can Do!
AND….. it will pay you every single day!
The Secrets, Strategies and Step By Step Process To Make It Work Year After Year.
I was given a half used bottle of the volume system to try because I was . to closed minded to sign up as a VIP let pay full retail price. I had zero interest in doing anything else with it. Ever.
This one decision, though totally accidental, set in motion a whole new profession and lifestyle for an oily, dull, zero confidence stay at home mom that just didn’t want to look like she hasn't seen the light of day in months.
I didn’t have anything going for me. I had no skills that equated to this online business world or hair care what-so-ever. I wasn’t confident in my hair, like at all, and I hadn’t really even cared to learn at all, like no desire to. I was terrified of talking to people about hair and paralyzed at the idea of selling anything.
Does this sound like the start of a success story?
The truth is I did have a tough road ahead of me because I was entering an industry I had no clue about and would anyone listen to someone like me.
If I could give you one piece of rock-solid advice, you can learn anything with a drive and desire.
You want a business to call your own and you want to build something the impacts others and helps change lives.
This will take years off your face and your success rate.
Once you find someone you are inspired by, you want to make absolutely sure they are someone you want to work with, like could be best friends with. You spend time together and I can't imagine working with someone I didn't like or mesh with.
If you have the desire to see a level of success that you never imagined possible, like your mentor? ;) ;)

If you know you're ready to rock this hair care business?
If you know I am your gal, to help get you there?
Then I am looking for you!
I want to transform your life from the inside out. Though you may not like the person you see in the mirror right now, you see beyond that reflection and know there is someone very determined, hardworking, and willing to do what it takes to change everything about your current circumstances.
I don’t care who you are now or where you have been, I only care about where you want to go.
If you have a big vision for yourself, I will fight tirelessly to teach you and support you to that big goal.
Tommie Nichole